Join us today to promote the art of choral singing in St. Louis.
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Annual Appeal
In this holiday season of consuming turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, and other delicious dishes, we are certainly giving thanks that you have chosen to engage in a different kind of consumption—that of the choral art of the St. Louis Chamber Chorus. Instead of feeding your body, the meals we provide satiate your soul and mind. As artistic director, Philip Barnes serves up dishes that are often grand and rich, other times delicate and simplistic, always balancing the musical cuisine to fit the nature of this wonderful ensemble. The works the chorus performs are often pieces that are part of the canon of choral music, but more excitingly, they are explorations of long-forgotten historical manuscripts or new and innovative works by the leading names in composition across the globe.
We, as singers, are truly grateful for the opportunity to sing in such an ensemble as this. One that allows us to challenge ourselves musically in such ways to not only learn notes and foreign texts but also to be able to perform the dynamic and expressive range the pieces demand. That knowledge that we are all part of a greater whole in this amazing choir of singers who are all excellent musicians in their own right provides a foundation for the collegiality and friendship found throughout the ensemble. We are both truly grateful this holiday season for that community and the inspiring music we are able to all create under Philip's thoughtful leadership.
We hope that you, too, are thankful for the gift of music that SLCC offers and are willing to show that gratitude with a donation this year. Our extensive music library grows every year with new discoveries and pieces written just for us--and that expansion is not cheap. As one of the largest "chamber" choruses around, the number of copies needed for a single new piece costs real money. With whatever you are able to give this holiday season, know that your contribution will be appreciated by the singers and will be repaid with dividends through the exciting new music we will bring you.
Sarah Milunski and Chris Boemler, SLCC Singers
Your Donation
As an independent organization, we rely primarily on income from grants, ticket sales, and private donations. Due largely to the pandemic, grants from some of the major institutions that support the arts in St. Louis dropped off substantially last year, and we believe grant levels will continue to be reduced next year as well. We sincerely appreciate you, our dedicated supporters, who love the arts, who love the St. Louis Chamber Chorus, and who have stepped up to help fill the holes left by those institutions. Please consider joining those supporters. Your generosity will give you the joy of helping secure this unique artistic treasure for future generations of listeners and performers.
Many companies will match their employees’ contribution, and your membership level can be increased by such a match. For example, if your company matches your donation, your contribution of $250 plus your employer’s match will count as $500, giving you a Patron membership. If your company does have a Matching Gift program, please email or mail us your company's matching gift form after making your donation.
To become a donor you may do so by donating online above, calling our message service at (636) 458-4343, or sending a check to Saint Louis Chamber Chorus, P.O. Box 11558, Clayton, Missouri 63105.
All gifts will receive special acknowledgement. The Saint Louis Chamber Chorus is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Contributions are eligible for tax deductions to the limit allowable by law. Tax laws may require you to reduce the deductible amount of your contribution to the extent of benefits accepted.